IRIS Performer 2.2 Friends Demo
SGI IRIS Performer 2.2 Friends Demo.iso
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Text File
1,292 lines
4213 PF Notice(2): level FP Debug (6) set by environment variable PFNFYLEVEL
4213 PF Debug/Resource: pfInitArenas() Allocated 262144KB: 0x504c0000 - 0x604c0000
4213 PF Debug/Resource: pfDataPool::create() - pid 4213 - 16384 bytes at 0x604c0000 succeeded for /usr/tmp/pfClock.4213.pfdpool
4213 PF Debug: Using CYCLECNTR clock (32 bits at 0xaddac100)
4214 PF Debug: Clock is 32 bits with 800.00ns resolution.
4214 PF Debug: Clock wrap handler runs every 1.00000 seconds.
Error: Unbound symbol nodetail
Error: Unbound symbol reduced
4213 PF Debug/Resource: pfDataPool::create() - pid 4213 - 16384 bytes at 0x604d4000 succeeded for /usr/tmp/dynData4213.pfdpool
4213 PF Info: All 4 processors available on this machine.
DtInitTriBuffs: allocing 3 buffs for MP mode ffffffff
4213 PF Debug/Resource(16): pfDataPool::create() - pid 4213 - 131072 bytes at 0x604e8000 failed /usr/tmp/pfutil4213.pfdpool
4213 PF Debug/Resource(2): pfDataPool::create() - pid 4213 - 131072 bytes at 0x60ae8000 succeeded for /usr/tmp/pfutil4213.pfdpool
4213 PF Debug: pfInitUtil(): pid 4213 created pfUtil data pool: pfutil4213
MultiGen Inc. OpenFlight (r) loader R14.2b
for IRIS Performer 2.0 $Date: 1996/03/13 05:25:30 $
The OpenFlight (r) Loader software contained in this program is the
confidential property of MultiGen Inc.. Copyright 1995 MultiGen Inc..
All rights reserved. For further information about OpenFlight (r) Scene
Description Database, contact: MultiGen Inc., 550 South Winchester Blvd,
STE 500, San Jose CA 95128. Phone: 1-408-556-2600, Fax: 1-408-261-4102
4213 PF Info: pfdLoadFile_flt: database patriot.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/viewpoint/Patriot/patriot.flt
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen geometry:
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF 3 sided: 24
4213 PF 4 sided: 36
4213 PF 5 sided: 8
4213 PF 16 sided: 1
4213 PF Total triangles: 134
4213 PF Performer geometry:
4213 PF Libpr data:
4213 PF Materials: 2
4213 PF GeoStates: 1
4213 PF GeoSets: 3
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF Tris in strips: 134
4213 PF Strip count: 38
4213 PF Tris/strip: 3.53
4213 PF Total triangles: 134
4213 PF Tris/GeoSet: 44.67
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 2
4213 PF Objects: 3
4213 PF LODs: 2
4213 PF Performer hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 7
4213 PF LODs: 1
4213 PF Geodes: 3
4213 PF Scene-graph statistics:
4213 PF Triangles: 134
4213 PF loading time: 0.020 sec
4213 PF loading rate: 6552.952 prims/sec
4213 PF
Mapping 2:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1 to patriot.flt
4213 PF Info: pfdLoadFile_flt: database t72lv3.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/viewpoint/t72_l3/t72lv3.flt
4213 PF Notice/Assert: zero distance LOD interval lv3
4213 PF Warning: decompConcave() Could not decompose concave polygon!
4213 PF Warning: decompConcave() Could not decompose concave polygon!
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen geometry:
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF 3 sided: 6
4213 PF 4 sided: 418
4213 PF 5 sided: 8
4213 PF 6 sided: 10
4213 PF 8 sided: 18
4213 PF 9 sided: 10
4213 PF 10 sided: 8
4213 PF 14 sided: 2
4213 PF 16 sided: 3
4213 PF Concave polygons: 16
4213 PF Total triangles: 1214
4213 PF Performer geometry:
4213 PF Libpr data:
4213 PF Textures: 3
4213 PF Materials: 2
4213 PF GeoStates: 3
4213 PF GeoSets: 66
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF Independent quads: 59
4213 PF Tris in strips: 1040
4213 PF Strip count: 244
4213 PF Tris/strip: 4.26
4213 PF Total triangles: 1158
4213 PF Tris/GeoSet: 17.55
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 5
4213 PF Objects: 63
4213 PF LODs: 4
4213 PF Performer hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 73
4213 PF LODs: 2
4213 PF Geodes: 63
4213 PF Scene-graph statistics:
4213 PF Triangles: 1158
4213 PF loading time: 0.140 sec
4213 PF loading rate: 8280.182 prims/sec
4213 PF
Mapping 1:1:222:1:1:-1:-1 to t72lv3.flt
4213 PF Info: pfdLoadFile_flt: database sa6.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/sa6.flt
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen geometry:
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF 3 sided: 87
4213 PF 4 sided: 221
4213 PF 5 sided: 12
4213 PF 6 sided: 7
4213 PF 8 sided: 6
4213 PF Total triangles: 629
4213 PF Performer geometry:
4213 PF Libpr data:
4213 PF Textures: 7
4213 PF Materials: 3
4213 PF GeoStates: 7
4213 PF GeoSets: 47
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF Independent tris: 3
4213 PF Independent quads: 42
4213 PF Tris in strips: 537
4213 PF Strip count: 209
4213 PF Tris/strip: 2.57
4213 PF Total triangles: 624
4213 PF Tris/GeoSet: 13.28
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 5
4213 PF Objects: 20
4213 PF LODs: 3
4213 PF DOFs: 3
4213 PF Performer hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 29
4213 PF LODs: 1
4213 PF DCSs: 3
4213 PF SCSs: 4
4213 PF Geodes: 20
4213 PF Scene-graph statistics:
4213 PF Triangles: 624
4213 PF loading time: 0.091 sec
4213 PF loading rate: 6822.595 prims/sec
4213 PF
Mapping 1:1:222:4:19:-1:-1 to sa6.flt
4213 PF Info: pfdLoadFile_flt: database sa6_radar.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/sa6_radar.flt
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen geometry:
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF 3 sided: 44
4213 PF 4 sided: 197
4213 PF 5 sided: 14
4213 PF 6 sided: 4
4213 PF 7 sided: 3
4213 PF 8 sided: 10
4213 PF Total triangles: 571
4213 PF Performer geometry:
4213 PF Libpr data:
4213 PF Textures: 8
4213 PF Materials: 3
4213 PF GeoStates: 1
4213 PF GeoSets: 29
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF Independent quads: 4
4213 PF Tris in strips: 561
4213 PF Strip count: 131
4213 PF Tris/strip: 4.28
4213 PF Total triangles: 569
4213 PF Tris/GeoSet: 19.62
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 5
4213 PF Objects: 17
4213 PF LODs: 3
4213 PF DOFs: 6
4213 PF Performer hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 26
4213 PF LODs: 1
4213 PF DCSs: 6
4213 PF SCSs: 7
4213 PF Geodes: 17
4213 PF Scene-graph statistics:
4213 PF Triangles: 569
4213 PF loading time: 0.071 sec
4213 PF loading rate: 8060.769 prims/sec
4213 PF
Mapping 1:1:222:8:10:-1:-1 to sa6_radar.flt
4213 PF Info: pfdLoadFile_flt: database smart_hog.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/smart_hog.flt
4213 PF Notice/Resource(2): could not find texture file ../Textures/hog_detail.int
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen geometry:
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF 3 sided: 771
4213 PF 4 sided: 520
4213 PF 5 sided: 10
4213 PF 6 sided: 14
4213 PF 8 sided: 14
4213 PF Total triangles: 1981
4213 PF Performer geometry:
4213 PF Libpr data:
4213 PF Textures: 15
4213 PF Materials: 4
4213 PF GeoStates: 8
4213 PF GeoSets: 303
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF Independent tris: 98
4213 PF Independent quads: 235
4213 PF Tris in strips: 1401
4213 PF Strip count: 538
4213 PF Tris/strip: 2.60
4213 PF Total triangles: 1969
4213 PF Tris/GeoSet: 6.50
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 11
4213 PF Objects: 68
4213 PF LODs: 5
4213 PF DOFs: 1
4213 PF Performer hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 85
4213 PF Layers: 88
4213 PF LODs: 5
4213 PF DCSs: 1
4213 PF Geodes: 275
4213 PF Scene-graph statistics:
4213 PF Triangles: 1969
4213 PF loading time: 0.594 sec
4213 PF loading rate: 3314.119 prims/sec
4213 PF
Mapping 1:2:225:-1:-1:-1:-1 to smart_hog.flt
Loading terrain patch: N36_45_0W121_30_0.flt
4213 PF Info: pfdLoadFile_flt: database N36_45_0W121_30_0.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/N36_45_0W121_30_0.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/farmhouse.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/farmhouse.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/farmhouse.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/building1.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building1.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/building2.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/building3.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building3.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/building4.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building3.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building4.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building4.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building4.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building4.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building4.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building4.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building2.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/building5.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building5.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/building6.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/building7.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building7.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building7.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building7.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building7.flt
4213 PF Debug/Resource: referencing ../Models/building7.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/northern_airfield.flt
4213 PF Notice/Assert: texture indexing missing palette member
4213 PF file : ../Models/northern_airfield.flt
4213 PF use-file: ../Models/northern_airfield.flt
4213 PF texture index 18
4213 PF Notice/Assert: texture indexing missing palette member
4213 PF file : ../Models/northern_airfield.flt
4213 PF use-file: ../Models/northern_airfield.flt
4213 PF texture index 20
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/airfield.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Models/control_tower.flt
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p2968 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p2968 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3210 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3210 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3216 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3216 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3215 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3215 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3347 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3347 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3336 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3336 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3345 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3345 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3344 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3344 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3407 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3407 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3409 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3409 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3432 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3432 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3433 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3433 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3434 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3434 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3445 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3445 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3446 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3446 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3447 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3447 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3476 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3476 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3477 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3477 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3478 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3478 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3479 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3479 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3480 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3480 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3481 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3481 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3482 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3482 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3483 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3483 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3484 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3484 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3485 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3485 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3486 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3486 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3487 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3487 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3488 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3488 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3489 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3489 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3490 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3490 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3507 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3507 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3508 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3508 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3509 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3509 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3510 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3510 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3511 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3511 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3512 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3512 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3513 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3513 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3514 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3514 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3515 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3515 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3516 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3516 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3517 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3517 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3518 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3518 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3519 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3519 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3520 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3520 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3521 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3521 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3522 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3522 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3523 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3523 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3524 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3524 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3525 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3525 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3061 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3061 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3060 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3060 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3063 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3063 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3062 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3062 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3057 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3057 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3056 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3056 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3059 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3059 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3058 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3058 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3042 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3042 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3114 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3114 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3113 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3113 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3108 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3108 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3196 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3196 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3195 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3195 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3200 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3200 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3199 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3199 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3177 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3177 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3179 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3179 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3180 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3180 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3257 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3257 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3256 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3256 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3461 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3461 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3462 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3462 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3463 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3463 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3464 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3464 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3468 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3468 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3469 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3469 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3470 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3470 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3471 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3471 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF Notice/Assert: polygon p3472 attempting new detail texture on base texture, ignored.
4213 PF base texture : ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb
4213 PF bound detail : ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//holister_detail.rgb
4213 PF ignore detail: ./data/Monterey/Textures/detail//dirt_detail.rgb
4213 PF polygon p3472 will use existing detail texture.
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen geometry:
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF 3 sided: 3667
4213 PF 4 sided: 1172
4213 PF 5 sided: 32
4213 PF 6 sided: 13
4213 PF 12 sided: 4
4213 PF 24 sided: 1
4213 PF Concave polygons: 20
4213 PF Total triangles: 6221
4213 PF Performer geometry:
4213 PF Libpr data:
4213 PF Textures: 56
4213 PF Materials: 4
4213 PF GeoStates: 38
4213 PF GeoSets: 527
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF Independent tris: 24
4213 PF Independent quads: 490
4213 PF Tris in strips: 6601
4213 PF Strip count: 1862
4213 PF Tris/strip: 3.55
4213 PF Total triangles: 7605
4213 PF Tris/GeoSet: 14.43
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 174
4213 PF Objects: 221
4213 PF LODs: 109
4213 PF Performer hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 74
4213 PF Layers: 12
4213 PF LODs: 98
4213 PF Geodes: 334
4213 PF Cleaned: 711
4213 PF Scene-graph statistics:
4213 PF Triangles: 7605
4213 PF loading time: 3.231 sec
4213 PF loading rate: 2353.530 prims/sec
4213 PF
4213 PF Info(2): databases loaded.
4213 PF Info: pfdLoadFile_flt: database cloud.flt
4213 PF Info/Resource: loading file ./data/clouds/cloud.flt
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen geometry:
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF 4 sided: 1
4213 PF Total triangles: 2
4213 PF Performer geometry:
4213 PF Libpr data:
4213 PF Textures: 57
4213 PF Materials: 4
4213 PF GeoStates: 1
4213 PF GeoSets: 1
4213 PF Polygons:
4213 PF Independent quads: 1
4213 PF Total triangles: 2
4213 PF Tris/GeoSet: 2.00
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: MultiGen hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 2
4213 PF Objects: 1
4213 PF Performer hierarchy:
4213 PF Groups: 1
4213 PF Geodes: 1
4213 PF Cleaned: 3
4213 PF Scene-graph statistics:
4213 PF Triangles: 2
4213 PF loading time: 0.033 sec
4213 PF loading rate: 60.863 prims/sec
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: pfdMakeShared optimizing traversal
4213 PF Unique state objects:
4213 PF GeoStates: 40
4213 PF Materials: 1
4213 PF Texture Envs: 1
4213 PF Textures: 37
4213 PF Redundant state objects:
4213 PF None
4213 PF Performance statistics:
4213 PF Input objects: 79 (100.00%)
4213 PF Output objects: 79 (100.00%)
4213 PF Deleted objects: 0 ( 0.00%)
4213 PF Elapsed time: 0.047 sec
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: pfdMakeSharedScene scene pfGeoState traversal
4213 PF Most popular pfGeoState attributes and values:
4213 PF 40 references to PFSTATE_FRONTMTL 0x50521ea0
4213 PF 2 references to PFSTATE_TEXTURE "./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium5.rgb"
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_COLORTABLE
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_BACKMTL
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_FOG
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_LIGHTMODEL
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_HIGHLIGHT
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_LPOINTSTATE
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_TEXGEN
4213 PF 39 references to PFSTATE_TEXENV 0x5053f750
4213 PF 40 specifications of PFSTATE_ENLIGHTING 1
4213 PF 39 specifications of PFSTATE_ENTEXTURE 1
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_ENFOG
4213 PF 40 specifications of PFSTATE_ENCOLORTABLE 0
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_SHADEMODEL
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_ENWIREFRAME
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_ENHIGHLIGHTING
4213 PF 34 specifications of PFSTATE_CULLFACE 1029
4213 PF 40 specifications of PFSTATE_ENLPOINTSTATE 0
4213 PF 32 specifications of PFSTATE_TRANSPARENCY 0
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_ANTIALIAS
4213 PF 32 specifications of PFSTATE_ALPHAFUNC 519
4213 PF 40 specifications of PFSTATE_ENTEXGEN 0
4213 PF 40 inheritances of PFSTATE_ALPHAREF
4213 PF Performance statistics:
4213 PF pfGeoStates: 40
4213 PF Elapsed time: 0.008 sec
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: pfdCombineLayers optimizing traversal
4213 PF Scene-graph reorganization actions:
4213 PF Combining sibling pfLayer nodes
4213 PF Performance statistics:
4213 PF Input layers: 12 (100.00%)
4213 PF Output layers: 9 ( 75.00%)
4213 PF Deleted layers: 3 ( 25.00%)
4213 PF Elapsed time: 0.006 sec
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: Total scene-graph statistics
4213 PF Scene-graph statistics:
4213 PF Triangles: 7607
4213 PF loading time: 3.388 sec
4213 PF loading rate: 2245.128 prims/sec
4213 PF
Stealth view: initial position is 144698.0 93342.5 1250.0
4213 PF Info: Initialized 1 Pipe
4213 PF
4213 PF Info: Initialized 1 Channel
4213 PF
4220 PF Debug: X input process 4220 running on processor 0
4213 PF Debug: Query of video rate returns 60.00Hz for chan 0 on screen 0.
4213 PF Notice: Using 60Hz video rate.
4218 PF Debug/Resource: pfInitGfx() - Window "VR-Link Stealth - Overlay" has 0 bits of depth buffer.
4218 PF Debug/Resource: pfInitGfx() - Window "VR-Link Stealth - Overlay" has 0 bits of stencil.
4218 PF Debug/Resource: pfInitGfx() - Window "VR-Link Stealth" has 23 bits of depth buffer.
4218 PF Debug/Resource: pfInitGfx() - Window "VR-Link Stealth" has 1 bits of stencil.
4218 PF Debug/Resource: pfInitGfx() - Window "VR-Link Stealth" has multisample context with 8 samples.
Machine type: IRL/M/1/64/4.
4218 PF Info: pfuDownloadTexList texture processing
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/hog_teeth.rgba
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 128x128x1
4218 PF Download size = 43694 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 14.430 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 2.888 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.042 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.065% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.065% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Textures/new_cockpit.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x128x1
4218 PF Download size = 65536 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.007 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 3.904 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.104 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.098% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.163% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/camo_net.rgba
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.482 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.632 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.115 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.179% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/euc_tree.rgba
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 128x128x1
4218 PF Download size = 32768 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 15.313 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 2.041 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.146 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.049% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.228% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/clouds/clouds.rgba
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 128x128x1
4218 PF Download size = 43694 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.066 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 2.594 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.188 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.065% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.293% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/hog_squid.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x256x1
4218 PF Download size = 174766 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.046 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 10.387 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.354 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.260% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.553% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/hog_engine.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.059 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.649 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.365 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.570% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/desert_camo.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x32x1
4218 PF Download size = 5465 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.064 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.324 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.370 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.008% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.578% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/missile_marking.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x32x1
4218 PF Download size = 2048 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.013 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.122 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.372 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.003% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.581% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/viewpoint/t72_l3/t72bod.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 128x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 16384 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.085 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.971 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.387 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.024% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.605% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/viewpoint/t72_l3/t72wh.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 512x128x1
4218 PF Download size = 131072 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.093 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 7.767 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.512 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.195% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.801% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/viewpoint/t72_l3/t72tread.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 4096 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.079 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.243 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.516 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.006% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.807% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/building_txt1.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 15.829 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.658 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.527 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.823% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_green.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.083 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.648 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.537 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.839% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_wheat.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.104 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.647 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.548 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.856% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/dirt_road.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.042 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.650 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.558 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.872% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/checkbrd.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 16x16x1
4218 PF Download size = 686 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.106 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.041 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.559 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.001% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.873% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/des_paved_4lane.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 128x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.038 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.299 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.579 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.905% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/hills2.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x256x1
4218 PF Download size = 174766 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 32.650 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 5.105 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.746 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.260% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.166% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field1.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x256x1
4218 PF Download size = 174766 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 15.854 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 10.513 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 0.913 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.260% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.426% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium2.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x256x1
4218 PF Download size = 174766 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.073 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 10.370 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.079 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.260% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.687% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium4.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x256x1
4218 PF Download size = 174766 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.096 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 10.355 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.246 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.260% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.947% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/holister_field_medium3.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x256x1
4218 PF Download size = 174766 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.099 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 10.353 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.413 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.260% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.208% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/med_density.rgb
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x256x1
4218 PF Download size = 174766 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.083 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 10.363 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.579 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.260% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.468% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/hog_pucker.inta
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.011 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.651 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.590 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.484% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/hog_917th.inta
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 128x128x1
4218 PF Download size = 43694 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.078 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 2.592 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.632 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.065% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.549% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/framing2.inta
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.077 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.296 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.652 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.582% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/fence.inta
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.091 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.295 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.673 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.614% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/fence_clk.inta
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.113 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.293 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.694 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.647% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/framing2.inta
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.112 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.293 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.715 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.680% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/antenna.inta
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.082 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.296 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.736 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.712% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/hog_cannon.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x32x1
4218 PF Download size = 5465 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.084 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.324 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.741 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.008% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.720% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/tank_tread1.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.122 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.292 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.762 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.753% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Moving_models/../Textures/tank_wheels.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x32x1
4218 PF Download size = 43694 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.107 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 2.587 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.803 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.065% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.818% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/dbl_hung_window.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.154 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.645 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.814 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.834% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/window_section.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 16x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 5465 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.053 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.325 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.819 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.008% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.842% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/roof_top.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 128x128x1
4218 PF Download size = 87385 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.070 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 5.186 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.902 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.130% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.973% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/retail_door_wf.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.083 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.648 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.913 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.989% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/comm_door.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.106 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.647 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.923 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.005% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/window_1x1.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x32x1
4218 PF Download size = 5465 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.107 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.324 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.928 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.008% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.013% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/corrugated_panel.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.058 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.298 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.949 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.046% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/stucco.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.112 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.293 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.970 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.078% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/framing3.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.038 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.299 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.991 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.111% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/garage_door2.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 16x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 5465 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.083 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.324 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 1.996 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.008% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.119% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/runway.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 256x128x1
4218 PF Download size = 174766 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.092 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 10.357 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.163 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.260% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.380% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/runway_stripe_gunk.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x32x1
4218 PF Download size = 5465 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.074 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.324 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.168 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.008% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.388% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/taxiway2.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 64x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 21849 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.060 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 1.297 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.189 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.033% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.420% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/garage_door5.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 16x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 4096 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.094 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.243 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.193 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.006% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.426% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/garage_door6.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 16x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 4096 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.080 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.243 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.197 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.006% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.432% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/dbl_hung_window3.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x64x1
4218 PF Download size = 10926 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.106 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.647 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.207 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.016% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.449% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Loading texture:
4218 PF File name = ./data/Monterey/Monterey/../Textures/concrete_slab2.int
4218 PF Image size (SxTxR) = 32x32x1
4218 PF Download size = 5465 bytes
4218 PF Download time = 16.107 ms
4218 PF Download rate = 0.324 MB/sec
4218 PF Total texture use = 2.212 MB
4218 PF This texture uses = 0.008% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Total texture use = 3.457% of 64MB memory
4218 PF Download totals
4218 PF Textures: 51
4218 PF Elapsed time: 0.865 sec
4218 PF
4218 PF Notice/Usage: OpenGL Error 0x501 - invalid value
4220 PF Info: Asynchronous X Input Display opened on Display :0.0